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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Online Market Research Vs Traditional Methodologies
Year 2001
Access date 24.05.2004
Abstract This year General Mills Co. plans to move between 60% and 80% of its surveying online. All traditional techniques will be moved to the web. Libraries of questionnaire templates will be constructed to establish best practice and to improve efficiency, and project directors will be trained to design these web-based applications. Based on his experience of online projects and this aggressive adoption of internet research, Jeff will discuss the following issues: · What are the pros and cons of using online market research rather than other standardised methodologies? · Gaining acceptance of online market research within your organisation; what were the main barriers? · How to maintain consistency in online research methodology · Wrestling with sampling and overcoming the representativeness issue · Addressing the multitude of hardware and software components.
Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - 2001 (57)

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